We restore and preserve historic aircraft and artefacts for public display.
Patron: Her Majesty The Queen
On 13th February 2017, Leonie Samways presented MAPSL with a cheque for £200 on behalf of the supermarket Asda. The money was donated via a scheme known as ‘The Green Coin Scheme’ in which customers are given a token to place in their chosen charity container box.
The scheme runs every three months with the basis being that customers nominate a charity or local organisation to receive the money. Leonie had just been appointed to the job of ‘Community Champion’ saying that "this is Asda’s way of giving something back to the local community".
MAPS is a not-for-profit company employing a volunteer workforce currently restoring a Rochester based Short Scion aircraft. The board of the company would like to personally thank Leonie and all the staff at Asda for their generosity.
Robin J Brooks. – Publicity.