We restore and preserve historic aircraft and artefacts for public display.
Patron: Her Majesty The Queen
MAPSL is a not-for-profit company, limited by guarantee, having no share capital and solely comprising volunteers from the Medway Branch of The Royal Aeronautical Society, whose aim is the restoration and preservation of historic aircraft and artefacts for public display.
MAPSL is controlled by a Board of Directors. Four are elected by the Medway Branch, RAeS and three are elected by the members of MAPSL; additional associate directors may be
co-opted to support the Board of Directors. The AGM is normally held in June.
All members of MAPSL must be paid-up members of the Medway Branch RAeS.
MAPSL is registered in England under the Companies Act No. 02331464.
Medway Aircraft Preservation Society Ltd, AFIS Unit, Rochester Airport,
Maidstone Road, Chatham, Kent, UK, ME5 9SD.
Board of Directors
Branch Appointed Directors
Brian Barnard
Philip Cole
Robin Heaps
Derek Munton
MAPSL Elected Directors
Ian Nicol
Trevor Young
one position vacant
Assistant Directors
Chris Aylmer
Stan Humphreys
Mike Morris
Functional Roles
Managing Director:
Company Secretary:
Company Treasurer:
Data Protection Officer:
PR Officer:
Website Manager
H&S Manager:
Fire Officer:
Workshop Manager:
Shop Manager:
Scion Project Leader:
Philip Cole
Robin Heaps
Mike Morris
Robin Heaps
Robin Brooks
Robin Heaps (acting)
Refer to Board
Refer to Board
Derek Munton
Graham Larman
Robin Heaps